白宫在 Flickr 上的官方相册
其实 GNU Screen 可以更酷的
还是那个 9.04 中新增的酷酷的通知系统。
只需要用命令 notify-send 就可以了,直接输入命令
notify-send “Done” “东西下载完了”
其他参数大家 man 一下就晓得了,很简单的
9.04 发布好几天了,这几天一直被 mail-notification 的新邮件对话框头疼,根本不是宣传中的那个酷酷的新提醒方式,总是弹出一个对话框,烦死人。
终于在 http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6962165&postcount=11 这里看到了解决方法,其实也很简单,运行 gconf-editor,把 /apps/mail-notification/popups 里的 actions 里的三个东西清空,然后世界清静了。
RSS 目录
这是一个 Linux 上的系统监视器,有很多的插件
BitNami makes installing wikis, blogs, CRM systems a simple and enjoyable process. Get your favorite open source apps in ready to run packages.
这里把很多开源软件包装了,让我们能够很方便的使用这些开源软件,不必浪费很多的各种配置时间。 -
Tracks is a web-based application to help you implement David Allen’s Getting Things Done™ methodology. It was built using Ruby on Rails, and comes with a built-in webserver (WEBrick), so that you can run it on your own computer if you like.
通过 Tracks 可以打造自己的 GTD 服务器 -
一个运行在 Google App Engine 上的代理服务器,开放源码
Zeroshell is a small Linux distribution for servers and embedded devices aimed at providing the main network services a LAN requires.
我用的也是 DELL,碰到的客服mm很不错,只记得叫庄妮了
使用 CloneZlla 把物理机器迁移到虚拟机
Dojo 的一个类似 JQuery 操作的插件
从 1981年到2009年间的操作系统界面设计的变迁
- toilet
- boxes
- cowsay
cowsay -f dragon ChaiFeng.com
boxes -d boy <<< ChaiFeng.com
toilet ChaiFeng.com
更详细的内容就去 man 吧
需要安装一个名叫”vrms”的软件,vrms 其实就是 “virtual Richard M. Stallman” 的缩写 😀
使用也很简单,直接运行 vrms 就可以。
taylor@taylor-desktop:~$ vrms Non-free packages installed on taylor-desktop fglrx-modaliases Identifiers supported by the ATI graphics driver human-icon-theme Human Icon theme linux-generic Complete Generic Linux kernel linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64 linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.27 modules helper script linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels nvidia-173-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver nvidia-177-kernel-source NVIDIA binary kernel module source nvidia-177-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver nvidia-180-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver nvidia-71-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver nvidia-96-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver nvidia-glx-177 NVIDIA binary Xorg driver opera The Opera Web Browser picasa Image management application from Google pptview view PowerPoint slide shows rar Archiver for .rar files skype Skype - Take a deep breath sun-java6-bin Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture sun-java6-jdk Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6 sun-java6-jre Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture sun-java6-plugin The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6 tangerine-icon-theme Tangerine Icon theme tango-icon-theme Tango Icon theme Reason: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License unrar Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version) Reason: Modifications problematic Non-free packages with status other than installed on taylor-deskto linux-restricted-modules- ( dei) Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64 Contrib packages installed on taylor-desktop flashplugin-nonfree Adobe Flash Player plugin installer gstreamer0.10-pitfdll GStreamer plugin for using MS Windows binary codecs msttcorefonts Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts nvidia-common Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers nvidia-kernel-common NVIDIA binary kernel module common files nvidia-settings Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver 26 non-free packages, 1.4% of 1897 installed packages. 6 contrib packages, 0.3% of 1897 installed packages.
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