需要安装一个名叫”vrms”的软件,vrms 其实就是 “virtual Richard M. Stallman” 的缩写 😀
使用也很简单,直接运行 vrms 就可以。

taylor@taylor-desktop:~$ vrms
Non-free packages installed on taylor-desktop
fglrx-modaliases          Identifiers supported by the ATI graphics driver
human-icon-theme          Human Icon theme
linux-generic             Complete Generic Linux kernel
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.27 modules helper script
linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels
nvidia-173-modaliases     Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-177-kernel-source  NVIDIA binary kernel module source
nvidia-177-modaliases     Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-180-modaliases     Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-71-modaliases      Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-96-modaliases      Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-glx-177            NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
opera                     The Opera Web Browser
picasa                    Image management application from Google
pptview                   view PowerPoint slide shows
rar                       Archiver for .rar files
skype                     Skype - Take a deep breath
sun-java6-bin             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-jdk             Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6
sun-java6-jre             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin          The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
tangerine-icon-theme      Tangerine Icon theme
tango-icon-theme          Tango Icon theme
Reason: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License
unrar                     Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
Reason: Modifications problematic
Non-free packages with status other than installed on taylor-deskto
linux-restricted-modules- ( dei)  Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
Contrib packages installed on taylor-desktop
flashplugin-nonfree       Adobe Flash Player plugin installer
gstreamer0.10-pitfdll     GStreamer plugin for using MS Windows binary codecs
msttcorefonts             Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
nvidia-common             Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers
nvidia-kernel-common      NVIDIA binary kernel module common files
nvidia-settings           Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
26 non-free packages, 1.4% of 1897 installed packages.
6 contrib packages, 0.3% of 1897 installed packages.

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