今天决定在 MBP 中装个 IntelliJ IDEA 感受一下,但是发现 IntelliJ IDEA 默认不支持 Mercurial,在插件库中搜索了一下,顺利的安装了 Mercurial 插件。但是在启动的时候,IntelliJ IDEA 出错了,提示”Bad number version”,一看这个错误就知道是 JRE 版本低了。
修改 /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.3.app/Contents/Info.plist 这个文件,查找 JVMVersion,把下面的 1.5.* 修改为 1.6.*,然后再启动 IntelliJ IDEA 就OK了
a WYSIWYG text editor written in Gtk2-Perl which aims to bring the concept of a wiki to your desktop.
jQuizMe is a webpage quiz application made with jQuery. Uses javascript and css. You can make the following types of quizzes.
The Rexx Language Association (RexxLA) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the use and understanding of the Rexx programming language.
Open Object Rexx (ooRexx) is an Open Source project managed by Rexx Language Association (RexxLA) providing a free implementation of Object Rexx.
ooRexx is distributed under Common Public License (CPL) v1.0. Object Rexx is an enhancement of classic Rexx; a powerful, full-featured programming language which has a human-oriented syntax. -
Open source Python modules, linguistic data and documentation for research and development in natural language processing, supporting dozens of NLP tasks, with distributions for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.
The Professional Video Publishing Platform
assistMoi is a portal where students help out each other to get to know more about a particular institution, without the hassle of adding friends before communicating.
其实很早就遇到 Evince 这个问题了,不过身为懒人的我也懒的解决,因为大部分中文 PDF 还都是正常的,如果真有问题那就在用 xpdf + xpdf-chinese-simplified。
但是今天就碰到了打印的问题,一来 xpdf 中没有打印按钮,二来用 pdf2ps 转换以后部分汉字消失,Google 之,发现只要运行下面的命令
sudo aptitude install poppler-data
就可以解决 Evince 看中文 PDF 乱码的问题。
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Datejs is an open-source JavaScript Date Library.
Command line reference: Database and Operating Systems.
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进入 about:config,在 Filter 的地方输入 fullscreen,
把 browser.fullscreen.autohide 修改为 false,把 browser.fullscreen.animateUp 修改为 0。
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